Our Father's Gift
Lenore Thorne
Location(s): |
Region: Middle - Trousdale County
Method of Sale: On Farm Sale
Additional Information: Our Father?s Gift is a family run farm in Castalian Springs TN. We raise registered Jacob sheep and dairy goats. We love teaching people about our farm and its animals, and showing people how to milk our goats, make cheese, butcher, and other skills that we have learned in the over 14+ years that we have been farming. We believe in treating our animals in a natural and ethical way, as close as we can to what God intended. We also sell raw Jacob fleeces, needle-felted crafts, yarn, and woven items.
Available: Farm Animals for petting, Farm Tours, Wool Fiber Yarn, Other, Wool and Fleeces, Hides, and Needle Felted Artwork
Special Events: Other : Dairy Goats, Jacob Sheep
Map: Our Father's Gift