Stella Sourdough

Tiffiny Hurley
Owner & Baker


139 Jim Ford Road
Jonesborough, TN   37659

Location description: Kingsport Farmers Market

Farmers' Market:


Wednesday -7:00 AM-1:00 PM

Region: East - Washington County

Method of Sale: Other :

Additional Information: Stella Sourdough is an expression of love to our Appalachian home. I am Tiffiny...and while Stella is not a real person, she embodies everything that our company is founded upon. In a world of commercially-produced breads with preservatives and stabilizers, I wanted a product that relied entirely on three primary ingredients...water, salt, and high-grade unbleached bread flour, rye flour, and whole wheat flour to make a loaf with a tender heart and a crunchy and chewy exterior. Stella is the descendant of a sourdough starter that dates back to the 19th century...nurtured with care to create artisan loaves that are worthy of heirloom status. In early 2024, Stella expanded to include a variety of incorporated ingredients including fresh jalapeno and chunks of sharp cheddar and even a bourbon cinnamon raisin breakfast bread. Tiffiny creates dozens of batards and baguettes weekly and is eager to share Stella with you!

Available: Bread, Cookies

Map: Stella Sourdough