Leahanne’s Homemade Breads

Leahanne Clement


1012 Peck Lane
Dandridge , TN   37725

Region: East - Jefferson County

Method of Sale: Farmers Market, Pick Your Own, Wholesale

Farmers' Market: Dandridge Farmers Market , Mossy Creek farmers market

Pick Your Own: You pick Other : Home made breads

Additional Information: Leahanne's Homemade Breads include my sweet sour dough, honey wheat, rye, and pumpernickel. What makes my sweet sour dough so distinctive is that I am still working from a 1982 starter that originated from my mother. This is the old ways of making bread. You can not use a mixer and it must be hand mixed with wooden spoons and glass bowls. Additionally, the starters get richer and more lively the more you work with them. I currently have 50 plus starters and they all literally feed off of each other like one big family. It's amazing ! This sour dough has never failed me in pleasing others. I have been making my sour dough for over 20 years now and it's becoming a lost art. I want to have the opportunity to reach as many people as possible to enjoy this bread. Also, my dark breads the rye, and pumpernickel are made with molasses and I only use flour from my Amish friends in Bulls Gap Tennessee. Where they order my flour for me from there mill in Dutch town, P.A. I truly believe this makes a huge difference in my breads. I also serve delicious homemade butter with my breads as well.

Map: Leahanne’s Homemade Breads