Overton Park Community Farmers Market
Kimberly Kasper
Location(s): |
Farmers' Market:
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programming (SNAP) accepted here
Region: West - Shelby County
Method of Sale: Farmers Market
Farmers' Market: 389 East Parkway, Memphis, TN 38112
Additional Information:
Come join us every Thursday from 3-7 pm for fresh fruits, veggies and much much more!
The Overton Park Community Farmers Market, a collaboration between Rhodes College and the Overton Park Conservancy (OPC), strives to be an inclusive location along a local food corridor in Memphis. Connected by the Greenline from Shelby Farms to Midtown Memphis, we envision a local food system that is accessible to all Memphians and from which all can benefit. With over 24 vendors, the Rhodes Fellows and OPC welcomes the Memphis community to our new location in the Overton Park East Parkway Pavilion.
We accept SNAP/EBT and are part of the Fre$h Savings/Double Green$ program (double dollars your SNAP/EBT veggie and fruit purchases)!
Map: Overton Park Community Farmers Market