Bernard Farms
Steve and Julie Bernard
Location(s): |
Region: Middle - Robertson County
Method of Sale: On Farm Sale
Additional Information:
As fourth generation farmers, we responsibly raise corn, wheat, soybeans, dark fired tobacco, hogs, and cattle in Robertson County, TN. All our Yorkshire hogs are raised by hand here on our farm with no outsourcing of animals. We utilize our own corn that we grind ourselves to make feed for our animals. All pork is USDA inspected, ensuring the public's safety and federal regulation of not having added hormones or antibiotics.
Our Farm Store now open year-round on our farm! We have Bacon, Chops, Ground Pork, Sausage, Pork Burgers, Ribs, and did we mention BACON.
We not only offer our own farm raised pork products, but also offer beef, lamb and poultry from other local farms nearby.
We welcome all farm visitors during our regular business hours or as always, you can call ahead most anytime!
Available: Custom Pork, Retail Country Ham, Retail Pork, Retail Processed and Packaged Meats
Map: Bernard Farms