JD's Farm Fresh Produce

Jeff McNeill


10165 2nd Street
Gates, TN   38063

Region: West - Lauderdale County

Method of Sale: On Farm Sale, Retail, Wholesale

On-Farm Sale:

Monday -9:00 AM-5:30 PM

Tuesday -9:00 AM-5:30 PM

Wednesday -9:00 AM-5:30 PM

Thursday -9:00 AM-5:30 PM

Friday -9:00 AM-5:30 PM

Saturday -9:00 AM-4:00 PM

Additional Information: We are the 3rd generation of tomato farmers in the McNeill family. Our farms are located in Gates & Ripley, TN. Tomatoes are our main crop however we also grow a large variety of other fruits & vegetables. We own two well established fruit stands where we sell all of our home grown produce. Our stands are open yearly from June 15th - November 15th. One of our stands is located in downtown Gates & the other in downtown Ripley - both in Lauderdale County which is well known as the tomato capital of Tennessee.

Available: Blackberries, Cantaloupes, Peaches, Watermelons, Corn, Cucumbers, Mustard Greens, Okra, Peas, Peppers, Pumpkins, Squash Summer, Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes, Turnip Greens, Turnips

Map: JD's Farm Fresh Produce

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