Rustique Essentials
Ayla Whitehead
Location(s): |
Region: Middle - Robertson County
Method of Sale: E Commerce, Farmers Market, On Farm Sale
Farmers' Market: Clarksvilles Downtown Market
Additional Information: When our twin boys were born prematurely and needed truly natural products for their sensitive skin, the deception of store bought "natural" products had us running circles with constant skin reactions. So, we changed the way we were living and decided to take a more heritage approach. We hand make a wide variety of natural home and body products created with as many of ingredients as possible raised, harvested, and processed right here on the farm. We do that so we KNOW 100% the exact process used to create our ingredients so we can guarantee the product's purity. We base our handmade products on farm fresh goats milk, beeswax, honey, lard, and tallow in addition to wild crafted & gardened herbs. That absolute purity we wanted for our own children's products was the foundation for all of our recipes for our soaps, salves, shampoo bars, and the other products we make at our homestead shop. Our farm fresh products are available online, at our booths, at the homestead shop after classes, and at our local farmers markets. We also offer seasonal fresh herbs and berries, goats milk, eggs, and farm shares for beef, pork, and goat meat based on availability through our homestead store. In 2022 we began hosting self sufficiency classes at the homestead shop. We offer private, group, youth, and homeschool classes year round. We offer courses on different types of soap making, gardening, canning, basic cheese making, sewing, animal husbandry, and more. Class lists and tickets are available online only.
Available: Agriculture Festivals, Farm Animals for petting, Farm Tours, Custom Beef, Custom Goat, Custom Pork, Eggs
Map: Rustique Essentials