4 Corners Ranch - Grass-fed Longhorn Beef
Allen & Kimberly Keiter
Location(s): |
Region: East - Hancock County
Method of Sale: On Farm Sale, Other : Weekly delivery to Knoxville area
On-Farm Sale:
Friday -12:00 pm-5:00 pm
Saturday -12:00 pm-5:00 pm
Sunday -12:00 pm-5:00 pm
Additional Information:
4 Corners Ranch is a Christian family-owned business providing a quality beef alternative and educating the consumer about different beef options. We chose the Texas Longhorn for its superior meat product and the ability to diversify. We offer our delicious, naturally-lean, solely pastured beef and we acquire and raise registered genetics. Longhorns are an easy cattle breed to pasture, as they eat a broader spectrum of plant life than commercial breeds. Because of its natural leanness, there is little trimming necessary during the process, and the net cooked weight is higher than traditional beef. Longhorns are also naturally disease resistant and calve easier than other breeds, with little to no human intervention required. We do weekly deliveries to Knoxville.
Available: Farm Animals for petting, Custom Beef, Retail Beef, Eggs
Special Events: Attractions
Map: 4 Corners Ranch - Grass-fed Longhorn Beef