Two Roots Alpacas and Fiber Mill
Brad and Ruth Anne Goss
Location(s): |
Region: East - Greene County
Method of Sale: On Farm Sale
Additional Information:
Nestled in the mountains of NE Tennessee, Two Roots Farm offers tours by appointment year around. You can mingle among 60 alpacas (and get kisses from JoJo), see the fiber mill in action then visit our farm-to-you store.
The store offers a wide variety of yarns, roving, socks, hats, scarves, rugs and much more, all made on the farm from our beautiful alpacas. Check out our website for upcoming events, bios on all the alpacas, the fiber mill operation and the online store.
(256) 509-5096
Available: Farm Tours, School Tours, Wool Fiber Yarn
Special Events: Attractions, Other : Various Workshops
Map: Two Roots Alpacas and Fiber Mill